Thursday, September 19, 2013

Another new iPhone?

What. The. Fuck? Okay LOL. Nice way to start a blog post, right? Anyway, sorry it's been a while. Don't really get on my laptop anymore. I'm usually on my phone. So, lot's of stuff has been going on. Mostly bad. Same 'ole same 'ole. Boy issues, girl issues. Stuff with suicide, and yadda yadda. But yeah, as you can tell from the title, there's a new iPhone coming out. Two actually. The iPhone 5s and the iPhone...c? Idk, the iPhone c comes in colors, and the iPhone 5s is like...faster and shit. Jesus. How many months has it been since the iPhone 5 was released? Not very many. Like damn. Stop with the new shit. God damn. Even Android doesn't release new versions of shit that fast. But in other news, my lovelife has gone downhill. LOL. Who'd'a known? Oh yeah. I'd'a known. -sighs- I honestly don't care anymore. I need to focus on school. [laaaaaaame] Ok. I gotta pee. Like, really bad. And I just realized that my views have gone down on my blog. Sad day. I'll probably start posting some snippits of my writing to attract my old audience back. Can't post much of it due to theft. And I'll have my old co-writer, Cuppi, back. Along with my brother, Kryysler. So yeah. c: I'ma go. I'll prolly post sometime later this week when I make myself get on my laptop. I love whoever still reads this. c: I promise it won't be in vain. Things will shortly turn around! <3 Goodbye for now, lovelies. Stay fabulous.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

And once again, I'm freezing.

Typing in a dark classroom sucks ass. So, I'm writing this before the teacher comes in and tells us what to do for today. Guess we have an assignment. Sorry if this blog post is shorter than my ex in bed. [very short. jk, I'm a virgin xD] OKAYYYYY~ Let's get this party started. My grandma made me take out my lip piercing. ._." And she took my phone. BUT WAIT. The best part is, she hid it where I could see it. xD In her jewelry drawr. Um. I check in there for pencils every morning, fucktard. Oh shit. I just remembered that I promised some kid I'd get him some tenor saxophone reeds but I keep forgetting. Well, no. Technically, my grandma wasn't home until the music store was closed. So he can't be mad. Little prepubescent lemur. School is actually going pretty okay. The only class I really dread now is Spanish. Okay, one, I don't like starting my day speaking fucking Taco Bell. Two, the teacher is annoying as fuck. Three, I wanted to learn Chinese. But the school no longer offers it because "Chinese culture is too different from ours." ...Who gives a fuck? I mean, damn. I think another reason was because the teacher was actually from China, so she didn't know our bad words. The kids would teach her, and she would walk around school saying stuff like, "shit, bitch." and "move, slut." because apparently the students said it was a term of affection. Maybe towards boys it is. [LOL.] And she taught her students to swear in Chinese. Like, chao-nee-ma somba means "fuck you, bitch." [Idk if I spelled the Chinese part right.] I was wrong about having an assignment today. o. o We're just dicking around on the computers. I GOT WAY OFF TOPIC. Four, the Spanish teacher is fucking annoying. She speaks to us in Spanish like she fucking expects us to understand. Like, bitch, just because you repeat it slowly doesn't mean I'm gonna understand. I don't want to learn Spanish. And apparently my school doesn't offer French anymore, either. What. The. Fuck!? The French saved our asses many times before, so it's only fair to repay them by learning their language. Their reasonings for getting rid of it are, "Oh, there are many more Spanish immigrants." Then nigga, do something about it. I'm not racist, I promise. But when it comes to world languages, if you give me a bullshit reason, I will diss your language, and everyone that speaks it. -z snap- Don't fuck with Jenn, mama. [mama, wtf? xD just felt like I needed a little...zest ;o] There I go getting distracted again. ._." Bros, it's been a while since I wrote a little poem on here. It's actually not mine, it's by a diceased rapper named Freddy E. So, get ready. Pop some popcorn if you wanna.

  "My pen blends the thoughts in my head.Sadly, these aren't the only sentences facing black men.They blame bad luck for lack of bucks with their hands outstretched.They're reaching for change but I only have common sense to lend, because, knowledge is priceless and being broke is the equivalence of ignorance.It's far from bliss, it's far from this.I TELL THEM TO LISTEN BUT THEY CAN'T AFFORD TO PAY ATTENTION.A nation's generation so caught up in affiliation, lost with no destinations, empty seats at graduations...Searching for patience feels like I'm searching for the man, in the red and white sweater and hat with the blue pants and glasses again...Damn, there I go getting distracted again.Bad habits and friends seem to mix like affection and gin, while bullets seem to be the only shots these niggas can bartend.And we're back in church and it's not even the weekend.Everything happens for a reason, I'm just praying God let's me see another four seasons.Yeah... and I'm praying for you, as I ridicule this fabricated truth among the youth thatsuccess is only found on a court or in a booth.As I sit and view this news of this suicidal genocidethat's got us scared of our own kind.They got one life lost to white lines and jail time.What good are the eyes if your mind is blind? What good is the message if you ignore the signs? You see... I'm just bringing all the facts in.My words are like a chemical compound, I'm just trying to get a reaction."

Ignore the typos. I copy-pasted and everytime I tried to fix it, blogger fucked up. :I But yeah, I love this spoken word. And I loved Freddy E. dearly. This moved me beyond words. Moving on, I guess I'll end this post here. Tengo que irme, lovelies! [I have to go, lovelies!] Love you guys~ Stay beautiful.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I'm fucking retarded.

LOL. You know it's gonn be a good post with a title like that. So yeah. I'm freezing my tits off. And not in a sexual way. Well maybe a little. How's it going, fuckers? [love you guys ; - ;]  My grandma decided to take my phone out of service because I was up all night. xD And I got my lip pierced. By my friend. ._. It didn't hurt, actually. But it fucking hurts now. Maybe coz the bar is too small and my lip is swollen. Nothing else to talk about really. I'm hungry. Like always. xD This is the second time I've mentioned being hungry in a blog post. o. o LOLWAITBROS. Okay, so in Algebra today, the teacher was like, "So what can we conclude from matricees?" and it got really quiet, and I said "That math freaking sucks ass." really loud by accident. The teacher looks at me like I said the n-word and there was about ten seconds of silence before everyone in the class bursted into laughter. If if wasn't for the laughter, I probably woulda gotten detention. ._." #BADASS. -puts sunglasses on- Fuck yea. Guys. I'm sick. Like, horribly, horribly sick. And I know I probably won't get better. I think the sickness is known to be's called...what was it...? OH. Love. Lovesick. That's it. -barfs- Wait, I mean, I'm sick in the way of like...not wanting love. I'm confusing myself... -facepalm- Whatever. MOVING ON. I just realized how much I use caps in my posts. FUCK YEAHHHHH. FEEL MY WRATH. I GOT MY CAPS LOCK ON. BRING IT, NIGGA. Ok no. White girl swag. [I'm using that ironically, so chill your tits. >.>] The sad thing is, sometimes I'm not using it ironically. Like, it just becomes a habit. I really hope I'm not like those SwagFag idiots I see running around my school like "YOLO" and shit. Oh god. I'm turing into one of them. END IT NOW. Drama bombbbbb~! [ten points if you get the reference] This post is just a big bunch of nothing-ness-bullshit. c: Enjoy it. I'm posting it anyway coz yeah. YOLO. Shit. Not again. ._." OW I POPPED MY FUCKING ELBOW. MOM! CALL 911!...Wtf am I on? I'm like a squirrel on crack. WEUH. FUCK YEAH. How many times have I said fuck yeah in this one post? Uh I think that's three. o.o FUCK YEAH. Four. xD That's a new record. Man, I wish I didn't have to play in band. Though, it's not as bad as I thought. OH BEFORE I FORGET. I've wanted to do this for some time. Five things that are a turn-off about men. [for me] 1: Only calling late at night. Men only want one thing to begin with, but you should at least pretend you're interested in her daily life as well as what may come after dark. That's basically my number one thing. xD 2: Poor hygeine. Like, god damn. OKAY, I'M ALMOST OUT OF TIME. 3: Making excuses to not let me see you. Like, giving me BS reasons why I can't talk over Skype on a video call. Do you think I'm that shallow that I only wanna see your face? I'm not. So get over it. Let me see you. Jesus. Pansy-ass-motherfuckers. NUMBER 4: Making plans, and not following through. Last but not least 5: Liars. OKOKOK, TIMES UP. BYEBYE.