Thursday, August 29, 2013


Heyoo. So, sorry if there's a lot of typos. I'm typing in a dark classroom. xD Gaiz. I've gotta tell you a secret fear. So, y'know how I talked about Jase and shit? Yeah, ok. So, he really looks like this guy in my school. Like really looks like him. But he doesn't sound the same. A part of me thinks it's him. But there's two dilemmas. And two answers for them. Okay, number 1: Jase has a California area code. However, I've met people in the state with out-of-state area codes. Number 2: The guy in my school could just be changing his voice when he talks to me. Number 3: I'm really suspicious because everyday when I walk into algebra, him and this girl look at each other, then at me, and smile. I dunno what to do. Like, I'm not embarrassed because of what me and Jase do on the phone. He's just as much of a pervert as me. But see, I'm just afraid the wrong people are gonna find out. I dunno. If I find out Jase is actually the boy at my school, heads -and balls- will roll. Before I kill anybody, I'm gonna go look up pictures to post here. -.-"

Sooooo~ I just found out I can comment beside my pictures. xD Herp derp. I gotta piss. OHWAIT. THAT REMINDS ME. I was given a two hour talk about sex and why it's bad to do it before marriage. [LOL. pissing reminds me of sex? xD W-T-F. kinky shit ;o] And literally, the only two reasons I'm still a virgin are: I don't want to get pregnant or get STD's, and I want my first time to be special. ''re giving away the one most private thing about you. And once you give it up, that person will have a part of you forever. Even when you're married, your husband won't get all of you. All because of one mistake before marriage. Plus, if you get pregnant.. e.e I just really hate kids.
CUTE, EH ESE!?!? Okay. xD Now I'm in an okay mood. Until tomorrow when I see those two again. Oh jeez. So, I have three packets for homework. One Spanish that's like 10 pages, and two for Algebra 2 that are like...really long. ANYWAY. I'm just gonna make this blog about my life and shit. Apparently me grandma and a friend went to Lexington, then to Owensboro to look at group homes for me because they're "sick of my shit." Translation: I sleep all day, and stay up all night on the computer. -dramatically fans myself- Oh shit, I'm out of control! Meanwhile, in another part of America, teens my age are pregnant, getting high, or partying. But somehow, I'm a bad teen. LOLOK. Bitch. [this is turning out to be more of a rant. xD]
BUNNAY. Okokokokok, it's almost time to go already. And I don't think I have very many typos. WOOWOO FOR ME. I'ma go back to being a paranoid parrot. Mmmmmmmk~ God damn I don't wanna go to band. FML. 7 minutes. ; A ; I really gotta pee. xD OH GOD. 6 minutes. D; Fuck that. I'm skipping. [I'm not skipping] The bell usually rings early, so I'ma end this post here with one last thing to say... 5 MINUTES. D; Just kidding. xD I love you guys. Adeau~ <3

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