Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Jenn here. I keep forgetting to make my other admins post. Obviously they don't read the blog. *AHEM* >-> Triflin'. Anywhore, I had yesterday (Tuesday) off, and it was FABALAS. But I somehow managed to fuck up my sleeping schedule, so I'm tired. ; ~ ; Side note: what the fuck is a career portfolio? I school's website. And I'm supposed to work on one of those. So, um, what the fuck? But moving on, this blog post is gonna be short, sweet, and to the point. Like sex. HURHURHUR. Wouldn't be a post by Jenn without something obscene in it! :D And I bet you're wondering about the title. xD "what the fuck is a moe? this bitch has lost her fuckin' mind." No, no, no. Well, I have, but no. It's pronounced "mo-eh". And I heard it in an anime; thought it was funny. So yass. MOEEEE. Okay, wait, rant time. You know what I fucking hate? When you're texting someone, and they're replying and all, then suddenly, out of no where, they stop. I was texting my friend last night, and around 10-ish, I sent him a text and waited over an hour for an answer before going to sleep. Woke up, and he still hadn't replied. Bitch, I know you didn't fall asleep, you're two hours behind me. It was 8 there. Fuck you for making me wait; you always do this shit. Is it too hard to text something like, oh I don't fucking know, "I'm busy, we'll talk later"? Five fucking words, it'll take you three seconds. Jesus. Fucking Christ. (A lot of swears in this post. Get the hint? If you're a girl, you get it. -wink wink nudge nudge-) I'm done with the rant for now. It just pisses me off. I think I already ranted about this same subject before. TAKE THE HINT, YOU ASS. I hope he reads this. I'll send him the blog link and be like, "Read the first post. It's all for you." ...No, I won't do that. -sigh- Or will I? I dunno, that all seems pretty mean, especially since I haven't even told him that it bugged me. (Genius Jenn strikes again) I think I'm gonna end this post here. Not much else for this post to do. Nowhere else for it to go. Until next time, stay beautiful, my lovelies. Adieu.~

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