Saturday, November 29, 2014

It's been months.

WHAT'S UP, MY LOVELY MONSTERS!? It's been like..3 months. Long time, no see. A lot has happened in 3 months. Failing grades, boyfriends and broken promises. Ah, yes, yes. Quite, quite. Anywhore, this post, like many of my others, will be completely pointless. :D

So I thought I'd start out by saying that I hate people. I hate liars, cheaters, and just general douchebags. That being said, there's one person that I met and absolutely adore. He's not like the rest and might just be changing my outlook on people. His name's Carlos, and yeah. I don't usually write posts about like..sappy stuff because I feel like if things change, I won't want to go back and change the original post. So, I generally stray from being sappy. Sometimes. But with Carlos, it honestly feels permanent this time. Which is why I take great honor in writing about him. He's difficult to write about because he's always changing, always different. In the best of ways, of course. Plus, he's extremely romantic and super cheesy. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me. And, as things get more serious, I'll dedicate entire posts to him.

Moving on, shall we? I was threatened a while back to be kicked out of my house for being lazy and having bad grades, and not appreciating anything. 。◕ ‿ ◕。 (apparently) So, I went down to the courthouse and they give her the papers to kick me out, and the rundown on where I'd go. But then she "lost" the papers, so I got to stay. So there's that.

Next topic~!~!~! ╮(─▽─)╭ School? Lolnoimawizard. Still waiting on my Hogwarts letter. -dramatic sigh- I have nothing else to blog about. <___> Um. Pffff. So I guess I'll end this post here. Until next time, stay gorgeous my lovely monsters. Adieu.

Friday, August 22, 2014

School is back, and it is whack!

Jenn here, and let me just say, I have the worst case of senioritis out of anybody in my class. But yass, hell has started again, and I'M SORRY I DIDN'T POST. Mama loves you all. ;~; -grovels in my self-loathing- ugh anyway. -flips hair- Not much happened over the summer. I was dumped. Horribly. My ex admitted to having been cheating on me for a long time. Thoughts of suicide came and went, and eventually, I moved on. I've made lots of wonderful, wonderful friends so far this year. There's Bailey (hope I spelled that right), and Tasha (I'm pretty sure I fucked that up, too.). They're both, like, the coolest freshman chicks around. Legit. BEFORE I FORGET. AHEM. I am officially Senpai now. YOU MUST ALL BOW BEFORE ME. Loljk. I'm such a twat. Mmmmmk, moving on. Band is.. -sigh- different. I know I complained a lot about it before, but it's really gone to shit now. My favorite teacher in the whole wide world is gone, and the other band teacher is on his man period about it. It's fucking psychotic. I hate being in his upper-fucking-class band. I'm not good enough. Like, I'm not even putting myself down. Speaking professionally here, I'm not advanced enough on the Saxophone to be any good. I tried reading their music, and I just..couldn't. Everyone else seemed to be doing just fine, but me. I really feel out of place. It's honestly giving me more anxiety than it should. Band is supposed to be fun. It's not. But I'm gonna move on before I go into a fit of rage and/or start sobbing hysterically.

I guess I should start thinking about college. And that really fucking scares me. My GPA is shit, though my ACT was pretty good. I wanted to go somewhere overseas, like in London or Milan. But no other colleges will accept me. So I'm probably gonna be stuck going to WKU. :I Which is too close to my parents. OHMYGOD THIS BLOG POST IS BORING AS FUCK. Ugh, the next paragraph will be better.

LOOOLOLOL I LIED. -devious smile- >:D I forgot. >.> I turned 17 over the summer! YAY -sparklers and fireworks and shit- Speaking of fireworks. xD I was almost arrested. Again. I'LL EXPLAIN AFTER I EXPLAIN MY BIRTHDAY FIASCO. okok. So, it's the morning of, and I wake up all happy and shit. Run downstairs and see what my grandma and her friend had planned. (note: we had driven up to Missouri the night before) Without batting an eyelid, my grandma goes: "Well, we're going thrift-shopping. You can come if you want." ... bitch, wut? I honestly hoped it was some kind of joke and she had a surprise planned. Nope. Nothing. Oh, she got me a glass from a thrift shop and let me pick lunch. (but I couldn't spend more than 5 dollars) Great fucking day, eh? Oh, but it gets better. When picking out my cake, she made me get the most fucking dinky looking thing. It was one of those small-ass breakup cakes. Y'know, the ones you eat out of regret. Ugh. Anyway. On to me almost being arrested.

It was the fourth of July, and I had Lauren over so we could get sparklers and shit. We'd gone to one of those little firework stands, and they turned us down because neither of us was 18. (wtf?) Anyway, we'd finally gotten our hands on poppers and sparklers. So, Lauren parked in the mall parking lot. Mistake one. (I'm banned from the premises, you see. To know why, go back a few posts.) As we were throwing the poppers, a mall cop did his rounds. Naturally, I almost shit myself. I had to basically hide my face against her car window so I wouldn't be seen. After we escaped, we still had an ass-ton of sparklers, so I suggested we light them in the parking lot next to the park in my neighborhood. Mistake two-ish? Just as we were finishing, this old cunt lady came out of her house and gave us a long lecture about how dangerous sparklers are and that someone's garage caught fire a while back. Me and Lauren just stood there, like, "Fuck off, bitch." She threatened to call the cops on us. So, me being a dick, when she turned to walk away, I pull out my lighter and ignite a flame, just staring at her like a fucking weirdo. Then she turned around, and I bitched out. Ahem. But anyway. Yeah, it was complete and utter bullshit.

I THINK I'M GONNA END THIS POST HERE. Maybe I'll get Nick or Doug Dimmadome to post. Nick doesn't have a life, so he'll defs be able to. And, because I'm going to make someone read this at the lunch table... NICK SOUNDS LIKE AN ASIAN GIRL WHEN HE SCREAMS. Okay, that's enough of me being a dick. I really want to keep all my friends this year. Until next time, stay beautiful, my lovely monsters.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Too bored not to post.

Ugh, Jenn here. Sadly. A few events have played out since summer started. Abbie texted me saying, "blah blah blah, that's slander and I' somethin' with the law. BE AFRAID. Texts and posts...somethin'..." I dunno, I deleted the text. xD I honestly don't give a fuck. Honey, it's only slander if I'm spreading lies. That was my opinion of you. I have freedom of speech. You think you know laws and regulations, but honey, I have a lot of people in my family that know the law better than you. What I said was completely legal, so I'm not gonna change it or take it down. ^^ And another thing, if you text me again, that is considered harassment, and I will take legal actions. c: I can't wait to get a text anyway with another explanation on how I'll get in trouble. Oh, what fun. :D  And in case you're wondering, no, this is not cyberbullying. I'm not being rude, simply defending myself. -waves my hand- But go ahead and report me anyway. Enjoy the picture of this angry Chihuahua.

Anywhooo. The day after school let out, I went to Holiday World, then to the hospital. HARDCOREEEE. But yeah, I was in musculoskeletal distress and was suffering from dehydration. So I was admitted for a few hours. I'm still in pain and have a badass sunburn. WOOHOO FOR SKIN CANCER <3 But srsly. I'm just sittin' at my aunt's house playing PC games while everyone's at work. Speaking of, I have a few you guys, my readers, should check out. c: Which is the first one.'s called Which. The next one is Hotel 626. There's also one called Asylum 626, but I dunno if they're similar. I've only played Asylum 626. Don't play it if you've recently eaten, or plan to eat soon after. ._. And Hotel 626 is only able to be played between the hours of 6pm and 6am. Though you can easily bypass it by changing the time on your laptop/computer. But yes, that concludes my post for today.

Thursday, June 5, 2014


Gamer guy here, And summer is fucking boring. Summer is cool and all, no school yay! Not so cool when your a guy who has no one that lives around him and an overprotective mom. I asked my mother if she could take me to the local hobby shop and she went crazy. She thought some one would kidnap me, and made me take food in case I got hungry. Anyways, summer is boring so I decided to post on this blog. I know Jenn won't for like...... 4 birrion years. I ENTER ROTTERY AND WIN FOUR MIRRION DORRAR! Aren't racist jokes just great :D! Anyways that was my post, and this is actually the rongest one I've ever done. AMAZING SUGOI! anyways, see ya.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Dude, I have a rad-ass bruise.

Jenn here, in case you couldn't tell by the title. And yeah, I have a bruise because of me being violent yesterday in band class. Nick might remember, but probably not. Yee, I was being an ass to my Tenor Sax mate, John (major faggot, by the way; hate him), and he'd done something to piss me off. So, I raised my hand to stike him once again, but he moved his Tenor Sax in the way and I brought my wrist right down on the hard metal keys, resulting in massive shooting pain. To put it into perspective, imagine karate chopping a beehive and all the little bees start attacking your wrist with little kisses. OF DEATH. Yes, it actually hurts like a bitch. But I suppose it's fair considering I clawed John so hard, he started to bleed and came into class yesterday with the scratch scabbed over. Though he insisted it didn't hurt. So. Half-karma? Whatever, the little fuck deserved it. Ain't no one gonna piss me off and get away with it. -z snap-

We are proud people. With no fuckin' shame. Jesus. I swear, the good people are the music kids or art kids. And even some of the art kids are assholes. Well, one of them is. *ahem* Anyway, from my experience (since early 6th grade), band kids are the most humble and funny. Except the clarinets. For some reason, they're all girls, and all of them are either whores, sluts, or bitches. And I know three of the flutes are; with that one instrument..uh..what's it called? OBOE. Jesus. Anyway, yeah, the oboe player is a complete cunt. I guess I should say my friends are humble. All of the brass is sweet, except for Abbie. We got ourselves another cunt. But the rest of them are so sweet. 。◕ ‿ ◕。 (watch me get called out by someone *ahem* for calling Abbie a rude name. poor baby, you'll be alright.) Moving on~!

TODAY'S THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL. -screams- I said it up tharr somewhere but AAAAAH. I'M ALMOST A SENIOR. Guys. Guys. I'll remember you all. JK, I'M GETTING OUT OF HERE. Omg, guys, I've been working on my speech for graduation when I'm a senior. Ready? Of course you are. *ahem* "I'd like to thank everyone that got me here. Netflix, YouTube, and Wikepedia. Thank you. And furthermore, -points at random people- fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, fuck you, blow me, fuck you. I'm out. -drops microphone-" Such a kawaii speech. 。◕ ‿ ◕。 Tiem to add a picture and say adieu for a long, long time. Jeez, yeah, this is goodbye. Unless Nick keeps up the blog, it'll all be history. It was fun posting for you all, and hey, as I said, I might post again. But until then, this is indeed farewell.

Until we meet again, stay gorgeous, my lovely weirdos. I love you all so much. Adieu.~

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tests out the ass.

ASDFGHJKL;'. Jenn here. And, yee. I have a lot of fucking tests. They're like regular tests. But fucking. ...butt...butt fucking. NO OKAY. I'm weird and probably high right now. Yep..yep, definitely high right now. That should make passing at least one of my tests easy. UWAH MOEEE, TOMORROW'S THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL. WEUUUUH. I'LL BE A SENIOR. Fuck yeah. I've waited for this since the first day of freshman year. I'm ready to get the fuck out of here! UK, here comes Mama Jenn~! >:D -insert happy disco music- UNCE UNCE UNCE UNCE. But yee, Nick's also gonna post today, coz I'm gonna remind him every ten minutes, and blow up his phone. ಥ⌣ಥ NICK. NICKNICKNICKNICKNICK. POST ON THE BLOG TODAY, K? KTHXBYE! -screams and flails around- But yeah, I just took my final in computer apps and got an 822 out of 620. I PASSED. COMPUTER APPS, SUCK MY DICK. Okay, first test: passed. Not that I'm surprised. Hurhurhurhur. It's English I'm worried about. So, I'm gonna end this post here and go study. UNTIL TOMORROWWWW, stay beautiful, my lovely weirdos. Adieu.~

Monday, June 2, 2014


Well here's another blog post from Doug Dimmadome. Sorry I haven't posted lately. Been busy yknow watching netflix and all dat jazz. If any of you have a tumblr you could follow me at
I just watched the sitter and holy fuck that's a good movie.
I've been watching Angelic Layer.
It's about these dolls that you control with your mind and you make them battle.
And that's about all I've done recently.
I'm about to size up to 0s.
Kinda scared about that.

You're Fired.

Jenn here. c: NICK, YOU'RE FIRED FROM THE BLOG. Just kidding. But you need to post, you little shit. I can't keep reminding you because I have Lauren to remind. And I forget to remind her. Remind me to remind her not to forget to tell me to not forget to remember. Wait wut. ._." Yee. Anyway, guess it's just me for now and over the summer. JKLOL. I'm not posting over the summer unless I have to. Honestly, I dunno if I'll post much after school's back in session, either. Senior year will be hectic, but I'll try to. Nick will be able to, coz he'll be a lil sophomore. AWW, SUCH A WITTLE BABY~! So kawaii!! SUGOI, SUGOI. (watch that mean something incredibly racist) Two days of school left and they're just final testing days. I finally have my grade up enough in English to take the final and have something to fall back on. (it's a 64, so that leaves a little wiggle room on the final) And my final grade in Physics is a 60. LOL. DID I TELL YOU THAT MY PHYSICS TEACHER WAS FIRED? LOOOOOL. I'm gonna tell you again. Because it's fucking glorious. Someone took a picture of him flipping off a student. Everyone but the administrators knows that it was taken out of context. But Idgaf, and I'm not  gonna correct them. He hates me, makes me feel stupid, and even called me an idiot. That's another story, omg.

We were sitting in class and I noticed the smell of gasoline. (the other students noticed, too.) I was afraid that if I kept inhailing it, something would happen with my brain and whatnot. Because generally sniffing gas isn't cool unless you're a hardcore druggie. Anyway, I was a bit worried, so I asked the teacher, "Is anything going to happen to my brain or brain cells if I keep inhaling all this gasoline? I don't think it's safe." and without batting an eyelid, he goes, "I doubt you could lose many more brain cells." Everyone in the class kind of..froze and looked at me like, "Damn, girl, say something!" I just stood there processing the fact that he basically called me braindead. I can understand if I'd been a smartass, or was rude about it, but um. I was genuinely curious. He treats me like a fucking moron just because I'm failing his class. News flash, giraffe-looking asshole, grades don't measure intelligence. -z snaps dramatically- But moving on.

Friday, the fire alarms kept going off. They went off four times during second period, six times during third, and I don't think any during fourth. Still, ten times in one day is a lot. It scared me shitless everytime and Nick couldn't get over it. xDD He was like, "JENN. YOU'RE MORE MANLY THAN ME, WTF." Well, that may be true, but, -curls in a ball, screaming- LOUD NOISES MAKE JENN SAD. ;~; The last time one of them went off, he looked at me and went, "Jeez, just look at me next time they go off." I wanted to yell at him. "THE FUCK'S THAT GONNA DO?" But I kind of just nodded. o__o I was still in shock. I just had an idea. To get fire alarms to be more effective, play Justin Bieber music. Shit, that'll get me out of the building in two seconds flat. Not to mention scare me more than it already does. (  ゚,_ゝ゚) 

I'm gonna end this post here. After I add a picture of some sort.

AHHH GUYS. My substitute saw that picture, and came up behind me saying, "Awww, cute!" I blushed really hard, hoping she didn't read anything else because omg. The curse words. x.x But yee, that's the face I make when I walk into Physics now. xD Yes. I also turn into a dog. Because why not? Well, I'm gonna end this post here before my subsitute comes around again and reads this. Until next time, stay beautiful, my lovely weirdos. Adeiu.~

Friday, May 30, 2014


Jenn here. And uh. ADMINS, I TOLD ONE OF YOU TO POST. -flips table- (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ But anywayyyy. My gauges are infected. ouo Well, one of them is. The right one. Coz..I, uh, forced the gauge through and something tore. It's not a blowout; Lauren woulda told me. But it's bleeding and seeping puss. (Gross, I know. Gauges, wtf. W-T-F.) So, because of the pain in my right earlobe, I didn't sleep well last night, resulting in me being incredibly tired.

Moving on, my Comp Apps teacher just said we'll have 15 minutes to prepare. Um. For what? We were supposed to be working on a project these last few days, I think. Oops. Whatever; I hate projects anyway. I dunno. -yawn- In other news, I've managed to get my grades up to 60's. Well, the final grades. I still have a 58 in Physics. AND NOW ON TO MY FAVORITE TOPIC. Fucking with the gay guy. I actually didn't yesterday. xD I wanted to so damn bad. But I forgot that my grandma wouldn't be home, and instead my aunt came over to watch me for the next few days. So, out of politeness, I hung out with her until 7, and by that time, the gay guy was nowhere to be found. I'll give him a name to protect his identity. Bob. No, wait, that's the freshman kid's name. Ugh, ok. Smitty Yagermanjensen. Yes. NOW WE CAN CONTINUE. Er..well..that's it, actually. ._. Didn't see 'im yesterday.

GODDAMMIT, I KEEP SNIFFING. Ugh. There are no tissues in this fucking classroom. Know what I hate more than not having tissues? (get ready for this shit) I fucking hate it when I'm stretching back over my chair and my shirt's like "LOL, WHATCHA DOOOIN'? I WANNA SEE. LEMME UNCOVER YOUR BELLY BUTTON LOL. WANNA HOLD ME DOWN WHILE YOU STRETCH? THAT'S COOOOL." Srsly. My shirt goes halfway up my tummy, and I'm like, "Bro. These people in my class don't wanna see my belly button. Stahp bein' a dick." And yes, I have conversations with my shirt. You don't? Get on my level. <-< -sniffle storm- GOD FUCKING DAMMIT. I feel like I'm gonna sneeze. I'm sittin' in class like

Legit, that's my face. I FEEL IT. -super mega gross sniffle- JESUS BALLS. (yay, Markiplier <3) Anywho. xD I think someone's watching me type this. And to that I say...


I'm SO done with this retarded-ass post. I hope you weirdos enjoyed it. And, yes, that's my new name for my lovelies. OHMYGOD. My lovely weirdos. YES. FUCKING YES. <3 Anywho, I shall see you guys on Monday with an important announcement about the blog schedule. Until then, stay beautiful, my lovely weirdos. Er..Stay weird. OH, I LIKE THAT ONE BETTER. Huehuehue. Adieu.~

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Jenn here, and, uh, yeah. School's still not out for me. And starting two days after school's out, I start summer school. (maybe) SCREW THIS. I wanna graduate. Aye aye, college, waddap!? Anywhore, I have a project in Computer Apps. (side note: apparently the class name changed to Digtial Literacy. ooooooooh, so fancy. except not at all) OH YEAH, before I forget. I'm deathly ill with strep throat. :D But I can't miss school because I only go 7 more days. And I'd miss 2 because of strep. So, my throat hurts and I feel like dying. c: Fuck you, school, fuck you. (I think I said that before. Deja vu. xD) But yeah, being sick sucks butts. These next few posts by me probably won't be interesting. I'll just talk about bullshit with my classes. Though, Nick and Lauren might be a bit more interesting than me. Moving on, I'VE BEEN HIT TWICE TODAY. Like, right on hit. Full on. The first kid fucking fell on me. Stepped on my feet, elbowed my face, and made me almost fall out of my chair. It was an accident, but still. No mercy, god damn. The second kid hit me in the face as I was walking down the hall. Didn't see me coming and extended his arm. Right into my face. BUT. Moving on.

I just looked back at my journal entries from a year ago (the ones in my career portfolio and shit), and daaaamn. I was even more of a smartass back then. If that's possible. Reading those entries, my face was locked in the general "OOOOH SHIT" position. Y'know, eyebrows raised, mouth slightly agape. I figured that if anyone else read those they'd think I was a general smartass and bad kid. Which I am, but still. Not the point here.

Day two of this retarded ass post. (I had shit to do yesterday, and yeah.) So, NEW TOPIC. I want school to end. Only 4 more days. 4 more long-ass days. I have finals on Monday and Tuesday, but in Physics I'm just watching a movie. I finished the writing thing...fuck, forgot what it's called. Uh..OH YEAH. On-Demand writing. Now all I have is the huge-ass test as the end of course test. Let's see..I have one for Computer Apps as online and whatnot. Made a 77.8 on the practice, so I'm not worried. I'm more worried about the English one. ( ̄へ ̄) LITTLE PIGGY, NO, NO. -can't even- BUT ANYWHOOOOORE. I'm just watching movies today and taking tests later today, tomorrow, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Technically, that's five days, BUT. I'm not counting today.

But enough of the boringness, I have some real juicy news. (ew wat. not what it sounds like) I recently  made friends with a gay guy. Keep up with me here, he's an online friend. Like..met him online. But anyway, my online profile and whatnot says that I'm a girl, however, I've managed to convince him that I'm a male. xDD Changed my whole profile around as well. I know he's probably lying about one of three things: his gender, age, or sexuality. (doubt that last one, he seems to be a huge faggot) Still, it's funny as fuck to mess with him. Am I horrible? Probably. But hey, it's the internet. Oh god, I can't wait to get home and fuck with him more. Is this cyberbullying? I don't think so. I mean, I'm incredibly nice to him, so..not a bully. Just an ass in the fact that I'm fucking with his mind. HE SHOULD BE GRATEFUL. Everyone wants their mind fucked by Jenn. (LOOOL. I had to.) Anywho, I don't feel horrible about it. But I should be ending this post here. I shall force one of the admins to post today. IDGAF who. Jesus Christ.  Until next time, stay beautiful my lovelies. Adieu.~

Friday, May 23, 2014

I keep forgetting.

Jenn here. I'm an idiot. ._." Not only did I forget to tell my friend about the texting thing, but I forgot to ask Doug Dimmadome to post yesterday. T^T Guess it's not that important if I keep forgetting. lord..WISDOM FROM JENN. I should be a philosopher. Oh yass. -adjusts glasses- Anywho, I did not come with a purpose today, so this post will be a bit...sporadic. I finished Black Butler. Ugh, kind of. It's weird. e.e There's, like, an after story that has nothing to do with the original story. And, I'm gonna see if I can get my friend Damen to "sign a contract" with me. -wink wink- ;D That's how obsessed I am. xD It's amazing.

NEW TOPIC. I'm gonna go check my grades. -screeches like a banshee- MY PHYSICS GRADE WENT UP TO A D. YAAAAAAAASS!! 59.66! Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. We have a test today in there and if I do bad, my grade'll go down again. ; ~ ; Aaaaaaahhhhhh. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ Anyway, this post is absolutely horrid. But I shall post it anyway, because, hey, IT'S FRIDAY, FRIDAY, GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIDAY. You're welcome. c; Until next time, stay beautiful, my lovelies. Adieu.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Jenn here. I forgot to log out. On a school computer. I'm a genius. ._." Nothing seems to have been fucked with, buuuuut, I could be wrong. So, I came here with a purpose. Another rant. It happened again yesterday. I was texting the same friend, and he "fell asleep" I suppose, though it would have been only six o'clock there. I'm finally gonna tell him. :I Fuck it if I'm mean, he always does this shit. (Deja vu.) He's the highlight of my day, and when he "falls asleep", my day goes to shit. Heheheh, I keep saying shit. Shitshitshit. But anyway, I am thoroughly pissed off. I have enough balls today to tell him.

But on a lighter note, I'm getting closer to the end of Black Butler. I forgot what my order for anime was, so I gotta go back and check it, then add Sword Art Online, and...fuck, what was it? OH YA. Rosario + Vampire. Netflix has a looooot of good animes. And I'm a sucker for a good anime. (Oh, jeez..that sounded wrong..sucker..anime...BLOWJOB...wat.) -more internal feuding- OHOHOHO, I'LL GO GOOGLE A LIST OF ANIME. WEUH. MOEEEE~! (Side note xD weuh is supposed to be said in a PewDiePie voice. Coz..that's how he goes "woo". If you dunno him, then that went right over your head.) -runs off to Google- Code Geass is one I've wanted to watch for a while. -adds it to le list- Fruits Basket, Special A, Angel Beats, Eden of the East, Boundary of Emptiness, Tamayura, and My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU. Jesus, that's a lot. Guess I won't be going anywhere over the summer. c;

ON AN EVEN LIGHTER NOTE, MY PHYSICS GRADE WENT UP ONE POINT. WEUHHH!!! 59, BITCHES! All's I need is one more point. Come on, baby! 59.47. Once it reaches 59.5, it'll be rounded up. I don't even need one more point, I need .3 points. COME ON, .3 POINTS. -screams and flails around like a dying fish- I'm so excited, like, you don't even know. I'm working my ass off to finish with a D. I'm not taking this fucking class again. But I shouldn't have to. Please please pleeeeease. ; ~ ; ACK. I'm gonna end this post before I have an anurysm. xD Uh, I shall see you lovelies soon. I'll see if Doug Dimmadome can post today.~ Until next time, stay beautiful, my lovelies. Adieu.~

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


So it's yah boy Nick here again. I feel a bit lonely because my gaming comp. is at my other house. Other house you say? yes other house I'm rich. So my beautiful League account will remain frozen for a while. and a shame too, I just hit thirty like... a week ago. Anyways, gotta go back to App gaming. l8r peeps.


Jenn here. I keep forgetting to make my other admins post. Obviously they don't read the blog. *AHEM* >-> Triflin'. Anywhore, I had yesterday (Tuesday) off, and it was FABALAS. But I somehow managed to fuck up my sleeping schedule, so I'm tired. ; ~ ; Side note: what the fuck is a career portfolio? I school's website. And I'm supposed to work on one of those. So, um, what the fuck? But moving on, this blog post is gonna be short, sweet, and to the point. Like sex. HURHURHUR. Wouldn't be a post by Jenn without something obscene in it! :D And I bet you're wondering about the title. xD "what the fuck is a moe? this bitch has lost her fuckin' mind." No, no, no. Well, I have, but no. It's pronounced "mo-eh". And I heard it in an anime; thought it was funny. So yass. MOEEEE. Okay, wait, rant time. You know what I fucking hate? When you're texting someone, and they're replying and all, then suddenly, out of no where, they stop. I was texting my friend last night, and around 10-ish, I sent him a text and waited over an hour for an answer before going to sleep. Woke up, and he still hadn't replied. Bitch, I know you didn't fall asleep, you're two hours behind me. It was 8 there. Fuck you for making me wait; you always do this shit. Is it too hard to text something like, oh I don't fucking know, "I'm busy, we'll talk later"? Five fucking words, it'll take you three seconds. Jesus. Fucking Christ. (A lot of swears in this post. Get the hint? If you're a girl, you get it. -wink wink nudge nudge-) I'm done with the rant for now. It just pisses me off. I think I already ranted about this same subject before. TAKE THE HINT, YOU ASS. I hope he reads this. I'll send him the blog link and be like, "Read the first post. It's all for you." ...No, I won't do that. -sigh- Or will I? I dunno, that all seems pretty mean, especially since I haven't even told him that it bugged me. (Genius Jenn strikes again) I think I'm gonna end this post here. Not much else for this post to do. Nowhere else for it to go. Until next time, stay beautiful, my lovelies. Adieu.~

Monday, May 19, 2014

Happy fuckin' Monday.

Jenn here, and it's Monday. Again. Today's the last day for presentations, and alls I have to do is watch and listen. I was up suuuuper late last night. Like, midnight-thirty, I think. I dunno, pretty late. Er..early? Wtf. T^T I didn't come prepared today for a post. Though, I have the usual, rantings, reviews, and bitchings about my boyfriend. (-sighhhh-) I'll start with a rant. About...uh...fuck... I'll make it up as I go. I just spent the last 30 seconds or so, seizing out in my seat, deciding whether or not to sneeze. I FELT LIKE I HAD TO, but...then... -flips table- the feeling went away and I was left sitting there like a wounded seal. A rant about almost-sneezes? I think so. GAHH, THE FEELING CAME BACK. I keep sniffling, but NEEEEEEH. Fuck you, sneezes. Fuck you. Okay, no, this is retarded. I know, I'll go check my grades, then bitch about them. Let's see...90, 74, 60, and 58. Oh shit, I just found out that I have to go to summer school. The guidance counselor came over the intercom and said, "E-mail me the name of students in jeopardy of not earning a credit this semester. Today is the deadline for summerschool submissions." No, no, no, no, no, no, no. NO. Fuck you. This is bullshit. I've gotten good grades on my homework for the last few days. Hell, my English grade came up, so why the fuck did my Physics grade not come up? Fuck you, Mr. Cock-ass. (new rant, going off on the Physics teacher) If I have to go to summerschool, I'll be telling the guidance counselor all about how the Physics teacher didn't raise my grade, even though I have a 100 for the assignment. 100 for the homework, 100 for the book problems. I mean what. Whatthefuck. WHATTHEFUCK. Fuck you, giraffe-lookin' motherfucker. I deserve those points, and you fucking know it. (Jeez, using the word "fuck" sparingly, eh?) Anyway, I can fix this, no problem. I'm sure if the guidance counselor bitches at him, he'll have to change it. Especially since the guidance counselor that loves me would have to do it. Ms. Guelde. Oh, how I love her. She's gonna end up saving my ass. x.x Again. ._. I hope. But anyway, new topic.

I'm off school tomorrow for election day~! But my brother still has to go. xD You seeee, he lives in Wisconsin. And yee. Anyway, I just got done reading about how one of my teachers was arrested for sodomy on Friday afternoon. (basically he had frickle frackle with a student) And it's time for me to end this post. Until next time, stay beautiful, my lovelies. Adieu.~

Friday, May 16, 2014

I'm so done.

I DIDN'T EVEN PRESENT YESTERDAY. (Jenn hurr, by the way.) When the teacher came to me, I kind full retard. ._." I said, "I-I eh, ah, uh, um, powerpoint...need" She looked at me with raised eyebrows, making me feel like even more of the bonified dumbass I was trying not to be. I'm ready to present today, I think. Maybe. Probably not. I can't afford any more points off. This is probably the one time having badass swag won't help me. GOD DAMMIT, MY SWAG WON'T HELP. Unggg. I swear, if she makes me go first, I'm gonna shit kittens. I'm really tired and severely sleep-deprived, so I'd end up biting her arm off, roasting it, then making her eat it. (jeez, this took a dark turn, eh? eh, yolo.) -sneeze- OHMYGODEW. EW EW EW. Fuck you sneezes, suck my nuts. My peanuts. ANYWAY. Back on track. I just got done reading Nick's post, sooo, I'll respond to it. Ahem.

NICK, YOU DESPERATE FUCK, NONE OF MY KAWAII READERS WANTS YO ASS. I don't even know if girls read this. You're not even single. You're in a relationship wit DEEZ NUTS. I'm sure if we read this at the lunch table, you'll laugh as hard as I am right now. -stone faced glare- Just kidding. You're cool. Kind of. Well, you're cool enough to post on the blog. OH SHIT, THIS MAN'S GUCCI. Girls, he's single. You might wanna hit dat up. He's of a kind. (you're welcome, you little fuck.) Huehuehuehuehueh. Daaaaaaayum. I'm mean. But whatever. I gotta take a break, coz presentations are about to start.

-Le 50 minutes later- ...what...the fuck...was I so worried about? I presented, and it wasn't that bad, actually. A few people whispered, and to them I say, fuck you. :D I made a few people giggle and made one kid go "YEAAAAH" when I said I played COD. Thank you, random kid. xD I told, in my presentation, about the blog. So..if people from class are reading this, er. Um. I curse like a fuckin' sailor. c; And if you're the assholes that were whispering. -middle finger- (  ゚,_ゝ゚) I am not amused. BUT ANYWAYYYY. Time to go dick around on YouTube until time to go. Until next time, stay beaufitul, my lovelies. Adieu.~

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sup fellow virgins

This is #1 virgin again! posting while playing League of Legends! Nevermind posting AFTER we won the game of league. so not a lot to talk about because I have a boring life. I mean, Other than my planned video on League. I rage a lot in league, especially when me, or my team aren't doing good. So I plan on making a complication on the amount of times I say the word "fuck" in league. But that won't be happening soon :P. You see, I've gotten really fucking good at league, So I usually win, Which means I don't usually curse when playing league anymore. So I either have to purposfully suck, and pretend to be a tryhard. OR play with a friend who sucks balls. So yeah.... If anyone out there sucks at league, be my guest. Anyways that's my post. See you all l8r.

PS LADIES, still available :D


Jenn hurr. I suppose it's my fault that the blog stats are going down. ._. BUT ANYWAY. I'm blogging early because I can't later on, and during my usual blog posting time, I have a presentation to demonstrate...well, me. I'm so nervous, I'm gonna puke. Not really. But maybe. NYEHHH. Why did I have to be a Spade? Note: we were divided into three catagories: Diamond, Heart, and Spade. We had to draw a card from a deck, and I pulled out Spade. I cheated a bit. I wanted to get Spade because someone else *cough cough* had Spade, and I figured it was a group project. I saw the Spade on the bottom of the deck and chose it, thinking I'd get to work with that someone. (this isn't a crush, by the way. ew wat.) Anyway, when I realized it was solo and we'd have to present, I wanted to vomit. I'd rather kick a toddler than present in front of the class. I'll get all clammy, and probably vomit. (lots of vomiting, eh? do I sense a new fetish?)

The teacher just announced that we'll have 25 minutes to prepare. I already did. Like 50 times. You don't even understand how much of an anxiety attack I'm having. I hate getting in front of people with information about me. Like, I hate presenting by myself, and I hate sharing information about me. Combine the two and it won't take long for me to "nope" the fuck out of there. My heart is pounding; I can hear it in my ears. I doubt I'll go first, but still. I couldn't sleep last night because of the anxiety, and now I'm exhausted, so I'll probably stumble over my words. Great. I'm fucking terrified. The only thing that'll calm me down would be to see someone's presentation be worse than mine. -squeal- 20 minutes. Damn, I wrote all that in five minutes? o.o I am terrified. Can't stop typing. Talking. Er.. see? This'll be what happens when I get up there. Mumbling to myself, rambling about nothing. Jeez, I'm a bonified dumbass. Oh god, oh god, oh god. I wonder if I break down sobbing if she'll still make me present. At this point, I'd try it.

AAAAAAH. 15 MINUTES. WHATTHEFUCK. I'm gonna count it down. 14 minutes. -internal bleeding- 13 minutes. I can't breathe. Oh shit, everyone will have the chance to present today because of EOC testing. The period will be extended over 30 minutes. I'm seriously going to cry. 12 minutes. I can't take it. I'm about to explode. Everyone else seems so calm. Well, I guess I do, too, since I'm not doing anything. Haven't started trembling yet. 11 minutes. My legs are starting to, like, do that shaking thing you do when you're impatient. I know you know what I'm talking about. The thing. 10 minutes. Oh lord, please give me strength enough not to make an ass of myself. Please, oh please, oh please. 9 minutes. My body is seizing up. Like, my muscles are tightening and my arms are twitching. Jesus, this is horrible. And after I'm done, I'll be like, "OH IT WAS NO BIG DEAL," 8 minutes. But at the moment, it's a big fucking deal. I'm praying that someone else goes up there and fucks up. 7 minutes. I have no choice but to go, and I don't want to be the only one that fucks up. I have to present. 6 minutes. 5 minutes. (had to resave my powerpoint. ._.") Who am I kidding? I'll take a zero for this assignment. Well, I would. But I'd fail the class and have to take it again. 4 minutes. The teacher's getting ready. Turning her computer on, unlocking it, hooking up the class flash drive. I thought I was ready, but I'm not. 3 minutes. Oh god. I hope we go in order of how we signed up, and not by last name. I'd be one of the first ones to present. (last name starts with S, the others in my group are S through W.) 2 minutes. WHY IS EVERYONE ELSE SO CALM? 1 minute. I'm gonna end this post here after time is called. I hope things go well. Until tomorrow, stay beautiful, my lovelies. Adieu.~

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

So much fluctuation

Jenn here. I noticed that the stats are all over the place. I'll see if I can get Nick and Lauren to double up on days. All that's left now are the admins. As I suspected, Randi can't post because she doesn't have Internet at her house. Logan... -sigh- I dunno what happened with him. But no matter, we can keep my blog afloat by ourselves! Moving on, -yawn- I'm incredibly tired. AND. I finished Blue Exorcist yesterday and started on Black Butler. I'm already, like, five episodes in. Ungggg. Help me. I'm on an anime binge. But what can I say? I'm one Hell of a butler. (see? this is how bad it's gotten.) I might go ahead and keep watching it. (it's currently 7:39 a.m, by the way. ditching classwork for anime~ <3) I have a huuuuuge test next period that I should be studying for. It determines whether or not I fail the class. I need to study. Shit, I want to study. But I'm tired of the stress. Honestly, I've been studying my ass off for days, and getting nowhere. I don't see why studying now would do a bit of difference. I'll end up forgetting it before next period. I have two F's, and, what, 16 days of school left? How the fuck am I supposed to bring them up? (yes, I realize this has turned into a rant, stfu.) Anyway, it's been a full 24 hours since that last sentence, so time for a new paragraph!

It's hot as balls in my computer class. It's always hot as balls, what the actual fuck. Ugh, anyway. I took a 8mg sleeping pill last night and um, I'm still high off of it. Pretty obvi, too, I'm lumbering around, hanging my head and practically drooling as I type this. My eyelids are so heavy, and I'm ready to pass out. My tummy's full of breakfast and it's the perfect set of conditions to just...bleh. I'll try to stay awake as I tell you about my test yesterday. I think I failed, I'm gonna go check my grades.Oh. Yep, I failed. 52%. Looks like I'm going to summer school. Oh, wait. I have a 58 in there and in Physics. If I can get them up and keep them at at least a 60, I'll pass. COME ON, TWO POINTS. I think I can muster that much. Well, I hope I can. I got to a 58 in Physics merely by copying from my partner. (¬_¬) That's just how bad I am at science. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ Y U NO EASY? But yeah, I have something serious to tell you guys.

For the past, like, I dunno, week or so, my head's started to become more and more clouded. My judgement is clouded, and honestly, I feel numb. If I'm mean to someone, I honestly don't recognize it. I've noticed that I stare off into space a lot, drifting, if you will. I get angry at the littlest things and go off on the wrong people. I'm reverting to the ways I was accustomed to in grade school. I don't like it, but really, I don't want to change. I dunno, maybe I'm supposed to be miserable. I'm losing friends left and right, but I see no reason to seek them out and apologize. It's like my demons are getting the best of me. (Metaphorically speaking.) Tired, angry, sad. Hot damn, I'm depressed. Again. I was taken off my medications because of the complications on my heart. But I don't care if those meds make my heart completely fucking explode, I need them back. I've lost interest in things I usually love. Like music. I dread playing in band everyday. I used to love it. It's sickening. No matter how sunny it is, or how happy the people around me are, I'll always see the world as a dark, gloomy, lonely place. (Reverting to the depressing Jenn that first created this blog. Oh, joy.)

But enough of that, time to be happy again. Well, time to make the post feel happy again. Ah, uh. -yawn- I might add a picture. Yeah. That's what I'll do... if only I knew what picture to add. Anime? Eh. I typed in "kawaii" to Google and a picture of Ciel Phantomhive came up. xD -dead- Oh god, what? Maybe I won't post a picture after all.

HAHAHA, JUST KIDDING. Those are the two animes I'm currently obsessing over. I finished Blue Exorcist, but I'm gonna go back and watch it after I watch Attack on Titan. Nick's been a little dick about bugging me to watch it. BUT ANYWAYYYYYAYAY. I'm gonna end this post here before it becomes a page-long thing. ._." Off to watch Black Butler~! Until tomorrow, (or whenever), stay beautiful, my lovelies. Adieu.~

Monday, May 12, 2014

Byebye, author Josh.

So, yes, Abbie got the better of Josh, and he's not posting here anymore. I'm honestly a bit sad, he had an interesting writing style. Sad that he follows her orders like a pup. No matter, Nick finally posted, and he used a picture. Which is something I haven't done in forever. I actually giggled a bit at his post. BEFORE I FORGET, THIS IS JENN. Hurr. That shoulda been my first sentence, but whatevs.

This post won't be like the others because I actually have something to talk about. *^* So, I finished the second season of American Horror Story and all I have to say is...Eesh. Eh. It was good, buuuut, I liked the first season a lot more. The third season isn't on Netflix, and Lauren did some searching but couldn't find it anywhere else. So promptly after it ended, I wailed, "I'M SO BORED." (yes, I have the attention span of a peanut.) That is, until about 30 seconds later when I found "Blue Exorcist". My best friend Tyler has a shirt of the main character Rin Okumura, but I'd never done more than googled the series. Sooo, I took the chance and watched it. It was only in Japanese, and the subtitles are in the middle of the screen. That's not an exaggeration, either. xD It's annoying, but eh. I don't speak Japanese. Anyway, there are somethin' like 23 episodes. I started Saturday, and now I'm on episode 19. ಠ_ಠ I. Need. Help. It's so good. ಥ⌣ಥ But anyway. That concludes my rant of, like, nonsense. OHMYGOD. I talked to my friend, y'know, friend on Saturday as well, and yeah. Things went...alright. HAPPY JENN IS HAPPY.

 But, yeah, I'm in class at the moment. (I always feel compelled to tell you guys that.) It's 7:39 a.m. (I always tell you that, too.) I'm finished with work, and none of my other friends are awake yet. (Friends that are out-of-state) My other friends don't text in class. -3- Laaaaame. I'm tempted to either finish the Blue Exorcist series, start a new anime series, or go on YouTube and watch Markiplier and Pewds. ORRR, I could read/write fanfiction. Oh, my life choices are so hard. -dramatic sigh-  Netflix has Black Butler. (in case you can't tell, I've been quite infatuated with demon/satan-related things.) I'm gonna watch that next. *^* I hope it's in English. -goes to check- OH, IT IS. -hyperventilates- I WANNA WATCH IT. No, no, no, no, no, no. -internal feuding- Finish Blue Exorcist. OKAY. It's decided. I'll finish one, then start the other. -flail- I'm gonna end this post here and go check a few things before I slack off and watch Netflix. I shall see you guys again whenever. Lauren should be posting today. Until then, stay beautiful, my lovelies. Adeau.~

Saturday, May 10, 2014

The nerd, The best Nerd, #1 Virgin

Herro My ppl!
This is Nicholas Woodcock. I am an admin on the "Screw innocence" blog of an ordinary girl blah blah blah ect. This is suppose to be my "introduction". So to make it short sweet and simple (Probably a bad idea since short, sweet, and simple promotes innocence) i am the nerd, the best nerd, #1 pro 1337 $VV@q virgin. My hobbies include gaming and.... having. no life. I pray games like LoL, Dota, BL2, and most MMORPG. So I think you've had enough nerdgasms today so I'm going to end the intro there. Painful Living reader.

P.S ladies, I AM available

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Josh didn't post yesterday. The boy must die. No, but, srsly. Sorry about that. I didn't think to text and remind him to post. Ah, well, no matter. Doug Dimmadome's gonna post today. Coz if Nick's not at school, he won't post on the blog. But yass. I'm extremely fucking tired. Didn't go to sleep until 11:30. Yeah, that's not really late, buuuut I've been going to bed that late every night and waking up at 5:45. Kill me. ; ~ ; (ignore my crude joke, I am, in fact, not suicidal) I have a feeling this post won't be long because I only have 30 minutes to finish this, and watch what I can of an American Horror Story episode. Ugh, I'm literally addicted. It's bad. It's the reason I've been staying up so late. Damn you, interesting storyline and hot men. UNGGGG. -flips table- (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ Anyway, I'm ending this post here to go watch it. Stay tuned for another post by the admin, Lauren.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Picking up slack part 2.

So, ja, it's Jenn again. Josh might be posting here later today as well, but just in case he doesn't, I'm posting from school coz I can't when I get home. With that out of the way, how are you guys? It's only been 24 hours, but a lot of shit has already happened. But not bad, like usual. (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ Nick wasn't at school yesterday, and knowing him, he'll be gone for weeks before he comes back. Because he's "sick" -ahem-. Anyway, if he doesn't happen to be at school tomorrow, I'll text him and see if he can still post. If not, I'll fill in. Again. Or I might have Lauren do it. Three people can successfully run a blog, I know it. BUT NO MORE BLOG TALK.

So, yesterday, my Physics teacher decided to let a student teach. Like, this isn't a joke, a legit student taught the class. She got up and was like, "So, I'm teaching today," She's nice to me, but not the brightest crayon in the box. I won't say more because she can probably see this (though I doubt she will). I could tell she didn't really know what she was doing, and I actually felt compelled to go up and help her. (side note, we are learning Newton's second law of motion, so I could have easily stepped in and taught it) But the best part is, she curses like a sailor. Someone gave her an answer, and she couldn't understand, so she asked them, "Did you say C? C as in cunt?" I died a little on the inside. (from internal laughter and probably bleeding) Whenever she got something wrong, or made a mistake, she would mutter, "Oh, shit!" and the teacher would just sit in his chair in the back and listen. At one point, he actually helped her a bit by passing out a handout, but then he was silent. It was glorious. Then, for the last, I dunno, ten minutes of class, we watched music videos, and a video of some chick getting bashed in the head with a shovel. (that, too, was glorious)

YAY FOR UNORGANIZATION! Coz, yeah, I didn't really have anything planned to talk about except the Physics thing. ◕ ◡ ◕ Uwahhh. We're supposed to be, um, finishing work in my first period Computer Apps class, but, er, I'm already done. Finished them as they were assigned. -nerd- I literally have nothing to do until our next unit. If we even have one. -super mega big yawn- Ouch, that hurt my jaw a bit. Anyway, I'm kind of scrambling for things to write about because I have nothing else to do. Watching YouTube kills my phone's battery, and it's blocked on all school computers until 10:30 this morning. It's 7:43. I wish I had someone to text. -forever alone- UGH COME ON, JENN, THINK. TYPE. WRITE. BLOG. STOP USING CAPS. Okokok, that was weird, eh? And, this is me calling someone out. (not in a bad way. ish. eh. you'll see) There's a guy that used to comment on my blog a lot, and he hasn't been. I dunno if he stopped reading, or just hasn't commented. But I do miss him dearly. -insert sad face-

Moving on, though, before I start flailing. -flails- FUCK. I'm really cold. Like, I have goosebumps and everything. It's so hot outside. Yet I have goosebumps from being cold inside. Yeah, fuck logic. OH, YES. I must tell you guys about a new "horror" series I've been watching. I use the word horror very lightly here. Anyway. American Horror Story. There are four seasons, I think. Two on Netflix. I saw the first one, and my God was it good. There were a lot of weird parts, like the latex ghost, and the evil mutant baby. But all in all, it was super mega amazing. Now I'm on the second season. About aliens. (  ゚,_ゝ゚) It's in an old-timey asylum and I was hoping for more ghosts. But no, I got men in little green suits. And, they used the exact same cast from the first season. It's difficult to see them as anything but their characters from the first season. I mean, not frapping against the series, but come on. OHMYGODWAIT. -fangirl screeches- Adam Levine guest stars in it. I've only seen most of the first episode, but I think he's in it for the season. I really really really really hope so. (you don't even understand my obsession with him. He's like an angel. <3 Gorgeous, talented, kind, funny. Unggg)

Dang, how are these posts so long? I'm literally babbling about nothing. Ah, well. I'm gonna end this post here and go watch the rest of episode one. If my Netflix loads at school. -crosses my fingers- Actually, I change my mind. I won't end the post yet. I'm gonna finish the episode, then blog my reaction. OKAY, BREAK. -skip ahead 2 minutes- That's it? wat. WAT. -flips table- (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ MOOOOOORE. Next episode. -two minutes in- Well, Adam's dead. And now, so are my dreams. -another four minutes in- Um, wat. Okay, I'm definitely ending this post here. See you lovelies on Friday. Until then, stay beautiful. -tummy growls- AGH, STFU. Adeau.~ ^-^

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Picking up slack.

So, it's Jenn. Hururur. Anyway, as I'd expected, Randi and Logan probably won't post, so Tuesdays and Wednesdays from now on will be open for the other admins and authors to post. If not, eh. Yolo. (forgive my swag-faggery this early in the morning. OHWAITYOUCAN'TSEETHETIME. it's 7:32.) For today, I'll fill in and make a random post about stuff and whatnot. Yes, yes, quite. I woke up at five somethin' to a text from my friend, and I couldn't get back to sleep. Sooo, I got up and dicked around until time for the bus. AND, not like you'd care, coz..yeah, no one cares about Jenn (oh, irony), but my stomach hurts. LIKE A MUDDA FAKA. No but srsly. Hell knows no pain like that of a stomach ache/cramp. IT'S A MIX OF BOTH. A STOMACH CRACHE. Ohmylordwhatismylife. Pardon me, I'm tired, yet extremely hyper. School is out for me in less than 30 days. JASE, HERE I COME. (oh wait, a little sidenote so no one calls me out on it. prom actually wasn't on a boat. I wasn't paying attention. the school was decorated to look like one. gaaaaaay.)

Oh, and. xD My grandma started taking me to my old therapist again. Normally, it's insignificant information -shit you shouldn't care about- but this time was different. Client-therapist sessions are supposed to be about the client, in this case, me, but my grandma decided to be an attention whore and start crying about something not even related to me or the session. Not being an attention whore myself, but if you're paying for someone to talk to you, and your parents butt in with random, retarded information, wouldn't you be a bit upset? I hardly spoke for the two hours we were there. Damn, granny, if you wanted a therapist, I woulda been happy to wait in the fuckin' car. Be that as it may, when I did get to speak, I was a complete smartass about it. My therapist talked to me like I was a retard. She even used the classic, "How does that make you feel?" Bitch, really? She gave me a huge, long lecture on how the way I say things affect people. No shit, Sherlock. I know I'm rude. If I like someone, I won't be rude. But I don't like people. xD She even told me, "You need to be more considerate of others. Just some food for thought." to which I promptly, and smart-assly replied, "Thanks, but I'm not hungry." -insert dramatic explosions and a wave of OOOOO's- I felt like such a badass. Now I remember why she hates me. Oh, well, whatcha gonna do 'bout it, faggot? ಥ⌣ಥ (yay for obscure movie references ♥)

NEW TOPIC. Fuck therapists. Hell, if you separate their name, they're known as the rapists. That's totes not cool. Don't anally probe me. This post went downhill quickly. OHHEY. Before I forget, I hope you guys like the new admins and authors. Prolly shoulda said that when I mentioned Randi and Logan. Well, oops. My mind was elsewhere. -insert tumbleweed gif- I hope as the blog progresses, there will be more posts by them. Thursday's not even here yet, but I'm excited to see what Nick posts. Probably something to the effect of, "Hi. I'm Nick. Yep." -temper tantrum- (⋋▂⋌) But yass. You will always be able to tell it's me without me even saying it. xD My posts are longer and more retarded. And I dunno, Josh was pretty formal. It was interesting, tho. Right? Riiiiight? Right. I shall be ending this post here and will see you guys again on Friday. Until then, stay beautiful, my lovelies. Adeau.~

Monday, May 5, 2014

My name is Doug Dimmadome.

Hey. I'm Lauren, one of the admins, but you can call me Doug Dimmadome. I live in kentucky.
I go to school with jenn.
I'm 17.
Aaaaaand, that's all you need to know about me.
And today I got cavities filled.
They jabbed a needle in my sinuses.
The left side of my face is still numb.
I'm gonna take a nap now.

She dead.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

First post by Josh

Hello, my name is Josh. I am 15 years old and am a good friend of Jenn. I live in Kentucky and attend same school as Jenn. I should probably stop before I put too much information out there and start getting knocks on the door by strange people, shouldn't I? Yes, I believe so.
Unfortunately I didn't really think of  what I'd be talking about beforehand, so this may be a bit...unorganized.

I suppose I'll tell you what has been happening in my life in the hopes that someone might care. For the larger part of this year it's mostly just been a balancing act of my grades and social life (or lack thereof). Although I have been able to retain a 4.0 it's been...difficult to put it lightly. I guess I kind of asked for a bit of difficulty when I signed up for all AP, huh? Basically there have been only 3 things that have kept me sane throughout this semester. My video games, my small group of friends, and my gf (the previously aforementioned Abbe).

I believe that's all I have time for and probably is as much of  my writing as any one person can take. Goodbye, and have a wonderful day.

Friday, May 2, 2014

I'll write a title later.

Goodmooooorning~! It's currently 7:34 a.m in Kentuckysville, and I'm tired. ;c And hungry. And hot. Blehhhh. (I literally just had to take a 30 minute break to do some make-up work. it's now 8:00 ._.) -yawns- I'm so tired, and my chest feels weird. It's like someone's in my chest squeezing my heart from the inside. I don't like it. ._. ANYWAYYYY. I'm failing two of my four classes~! woohoo for summer school! <3 -dies a little- ; ~ ; I forgot to give my friends the blog info. xD But I have the little slips already written out today, so I won't forget! I'll be adding two of my friends to the editor's list; Logan and Randi. Logan's my Onii, and Randi is my best friend. They also happen to be together. (Cue one big AAAAAAWWWWW!) But yass. I'm also taking Abbie off the list of editors for reasons of my own. Two editors replaced. (Josh included with Abbie. I'm not letting that fuck anywhere near my blog. >_> without a signed permission slip. xD! Kidding! We're cool. Ish. Eh. ._.) But it's whatevs. (✿◠‿◠) I've decided on how to break up the new blog schedule. There will still be posts for every day of the week. Monday will be Lauren, Tuesday Logan, Wednesday Randi, Thursday Nick, Friday me. (If I decide so, Abbie and Josh might write on Saturday and Sunday.) I hope you all are as excited as me for the new new direction the blog will be taking.

YAY FOR A NEW PARAGRAPH. Class will be ending soon, and so will my post. The new blog schedule should be starting up in the next week or so, if my friends hold true. (things might fluxuate for Randi, because she's...difficult when it comes to responsibility. -3- If things do fluxuate, I'll take her place) And with that, my post comes to a close. Check back Monday afternoon sometime for the newest post by our Admin/Editor Lauren. ^-^ Until then, stay beautiful my lovelies! Adeau.~

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Over 1K Views!?

Jeez. Most of those 1K views are mine. xD I like reading what I write. ; ~ ; Anywho, today's Tuesday. I wasn't in school yesterday because I didn't feel safe riding the bus. (because of the storms and tornados and whatnot.) I created my own holiday! ~(*^*)~ I call it... -drumroll- D-Day. Yes, there's already a day in history named D-Day, but mine is different. Mine stands for Destruction Day. It's basically my own personal Purge. I don't break laws, I'm not that retarded. However, I do settle scores with people. (meaning fighting) I also go out and buy cheap things to break. Because yoloooo. But yes, the kickoff of D-Day was a success. cx How are you guys, by the way? I have't gotten any strange texts, so I'm guessing next to no one is reading this shit anymore. Ah, well. It's still fun to post. Even if it is only for me. ^-^ Jeez, I sound lonely. ._. But anyway.

Prom was Saturday, and from what I heard, it was off the hook~! -herp ma derp- I didn't go, tho. I think I already said that. But, yeah. It's whatever.Once again, it's taken me three days to write one post. (I keep having to stop because of school and class and crap) I've come to the realization that people have stopped reading my blog all together. And that's just fine. Anywhooo. Today at lunch, I'm going to give out my blog information to all my friends and let them write posts for the blog. I'll have them do a little collab intro post and then yeah. They'll have free reign ^-^ Though, they probably won't use emoticons like me. (Well, Lauren might.)

Abbie's probably gonna be the formal one, the one closest to an actual writer. (Like I used to be.) Her boyfriend might write with her, I dunno, nor do I really care. Uh, who else? OH JA. Nick. He's the one closes to my cousin, John. In resemblance, I mean. He'll be the weird/funny/maybe boring (xD) one. Then there's Lauren. She's probably gonna be the one closest to me when it comes to typing. Unless of course Bailey chooses to write here also. (I hope so, uwahhh~! Bailey is super mega kawaii <3) Get ready for the shitstorm that is my friends. I hope this goes over well. o.o

I must end this post here, but there shall be more to come very soon~! ^-^ Until then, stay beautiful, my lovelies. Adeau~!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Post # 69, hurhurhur.

I just noticed that this is indeed post 69. xD It's been a few days of me just deciding what to blog about. I've started this same exact post three times now. This'll be the fourth, if I decide to keep it. Well, Sunday was easter. Duh. I read a -loudspeaker interrupts- OHMYGOD, MR. WOLFRAM, STFU. Jesus. Okay, anyway. Sunday was easter, and Jesus was turnt up. (please excuse my fag-baggery) 4/20, mayne! (again, 'scuse me) The loudspeaker keeps going off. щ(ಠ益ಠщ) Well. xD This post is turning out as more of a fail than I'd  hoped. It's getting worse with each tick of the keyboard. But yass. I've currently taken up residence at my Nana's lifecoach's house. ( °٢° ) It's purty. ಥ⌣ಥ (WAIT, SIDE STORY. Whenever I see the word "purty", it reminds me of something from this movie where this really old hippie pedo guy goes, "You got a purty mouth," xD!!!) Miss Lifecoach lady is really lenient with me. I have my phone and laptop back, and can use them whenever I want, provided I do something for her like wash dishes or fold laundry. It's like she's paying me with phone and laptop privileges, which is cool by me. Jeez, this post is gonna be boring for you guys, but I'm having a blast writing it.

NEW PARAGRAPHHHH~! Surprisingly, I have nothing to talk about. The freshman kid, "Bob", is out of my life for good. OH, I COULD TELL YOU ABOUT THAT. I was sitting on the grand staircase one morning and he sat beside me while I watched YouTube. He kept staring at my you-know-whats ~(<_<)~ so I scooted away and made a face of what I assumed was absolute disgust and resentment. He looked at me like I was nuts and said, "Welp, I guess I'll leave you alone now." At that moment, the heavenly choir sang, I swear it. I wanted to stand on the roof and sing hallelujah. The beast is gone from my life. ∩(︶▽︶)∩ No more annoyances :D! Happy Jenn is happy. On a different note, I've gotten really into drawing lately. :o I'd upload some of my photos, but I have an android phone, and an Apple operating system. ._. The two don't mix. BUT. I will find a way. (✿◠‿◠)

Oh, and I've decided to let you guys communicate with me via textNow. I'm not giving out my real phone number, and if this goes bad, all I have to do is delete the app. It's free to text me, and you can get ahold of me any time. o(≧o≦)o Just tell me your name and say something like, "I read your blog" so I don't freak out. cx Le number is 720-477-2298, and if you want to send me pictures, just ask, it's a complicated process. ._. ANYWHO. This post took two days to write, so forewarning, it'll be a long one. The next paragraph is considered my second-day post. Coz I don't wanna start another one.

So, some kid in my class pulled out a ukelele (right? e.e) and started playing. It'd be more entertaining if people would stfu. It's so funny listening to him. But yeah. xD Testing, now. I'm soooo tired. (¬_¬) But at least I finished testing for this period. (there's been a 30 minute time gap. o3o) -yawns- I. WANNA. GO. HOME. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

 I just checked out my friend Cuppi's blog, and -sighs- She seems so happy without me. So maybe it's for the best that we aren't speaking. I don't want to text her, coz, well..I don't want her to get all mad. Funny thing is, though, I've forgiven her for things much worse than what I did. I don't know whether to be mad or not. I'm over the fact of being sad. Friends for three/four-ish years? Yeah, totally no reason to be sad. -senior sarcasm over here- Whatever. What's done is done. I've said my apologies. Plenty of times. I guess it's time to move on. (Jeez, this feels like a break up. :I -literally close to tears, wtf-) Sometimes I wonder if she ever checks out my blog like I do hers. But then I see my views and go, "Mm, nope." I do miss, her, yeah. And I keep hoping that when she forgives me, she'll talk to me again. We were supposed to be friends forever. Things change, I guess. We've both changed. (now it really sounds like a breakup)

Cuppi, if you ever read this (I doubt you will), I want you to know that I'm more sorry than words could ever describe. I didn't expect to be this sad after losing you, but I am. You seem so happy by yourself. Well, with Jew, I mean. I'm glad to see you both doing well, and if you ever need my help with anything, you have my number, and I also posted my other number up somewhere in the post. There's no way I won't see your text. I'd love to talk to you again, even if it's only a simple "hey, how are you?" I know I fucked up. Big time. And usually I wouldn't give two shits about trying to fix it. But you are, well, you were my best friend. So I'm trying hard. I hope we can talk again. I love you, girlie. I have your summer camp application if you still wanna go~! <3 ^-^

And with that, I must go. I hope you all enjoyed my post. (my one reader *ahem* ;~;) I hope to post again soon. I'll try to bring in a co-writer of some sort. Hell, I dunno, I'll give my friends the password and let them go nuts. Enjoy that. ._. Anyway, I'll see you lovelies soon. Until then, adeau~

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I lied?

I'M SORRY I HAVEN'T POSTED. OMG. ASDFGHJKL;'. I'M NOT A LIAR. ; - ; I've been really busy with writing two essays for school, reading a novel, band evaluation. Etc, etc. x. x But I'm here now~! How are things with you guys? Anyway, cut the small-talk. The freshman is back. Yes, you heard right. He came waddling up to me yesterday, going, "-tremble tremble- J-Jenn? Is it o-okay to talk t-to You good..?" I wanted to rip his head off and screech, "I was good until you came back!" Instead, I kind of twitched and nodded. ._. Why must everything he does be so annoying? Y'know, I don't think it's him. Once someone annoys me, no matter what they do, I will always find them annoying. It's incredibly hard for me to like you once I've decided I don't. But with that off my chest, time to move on! Besides all the homework and shet, my life is finally...okay-ish. I haven't been "summoned to court" yet, so my personal house-arrest isn't all that bad. I don't really go places anyway. xD #lazyfolife But yeah. I'm severely sleep-deprived and way too happy. I have way over another hour in my first period and after I'm done with this blog post, I'm gonna go dick around on the interwebs. OH. I'll go watch Markiplier and PewDiePie. SUBSCRIBE TO THEM. -thumbs up- (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ This post is all over the place. ಠ_ಠ But yah. I'm hungry and tired and nyeh and bleh and wah. -flips table- (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ I think I'm gonna end this post here, there's nowhere else for this to go except downhill. xD YAY, LET'S GO ON A DOWNHILL ADVENTURE! -rolls down a hill- okokok, but srsly. I must go, my people need me. Until soon, stay beautiful, my lovelies. Adeau.~

Thursday, April 10, 2014

No Random Title?

I wanted to start this blog post by saying..ahem..I am an absolute 'tard. Lemme explain. I'm the worst person to try and get angry. See, coz I'm so funny. (right, that's the reason) I'll be in the middle of yelling at someone, and think of something funny, then just die laughing. NO ONE TAKES ME SRSLY. I CAN GET ANGRY. HELL HATH NO FURY LIKE MINE. -giggle- Noooo. (¬_¬) Faaak. Anywho, hellu, my lovelies. Have I ever told you how much I love blogging for you guys? Coz I do. Srsly. Oh wait, I already did tell you. Hurr. (genius Jenn strikes again) Jesus, this blog is spiraling downward quite quickly now. I don't really think I can attrack a new audience coz, well, I'm me. Wait, wait, wait, wait, asdfghjkl;'. This will not be a srsly srs post. MOVING ONNN~! -flails-

ATTACK OF THE KAWAII EMOTICONS~! (◕‿◕✿) (︶ω︶) (✿ ♥‿♥) (¬▂¬) (✖╭╮✖) (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ 。◕ ‿ ◕。 ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ (  ゚,_ゝ゚) LOL. That last one is my favorite. xD It looks like it's saying, "srsly faggot?" -dead- I think I'm gonna end this post here. I'm really tired and can't find anything else to talk about. ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ -dramatic yawn- I shall post again tomorrow. Until then, stay beautiful, my lovelies. Adeau.~

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Everyday Postings!?

Yasssss. So hei. c: As you can tell by the title, I'm gonna try and start posting either everyday or every other day. Depending on what I'm doing in class and how much free time I have. (-yawn-) It is currently 7:28 AM in Kentuckysville, and I'm tired as fuck. That's some legit tired right thurr. OKAY. There is a point to this post. I'm gonna rant~! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

Don't read this if you don't like people ranting. Mk. Let's begin. Why the fuck do schools start so early? Okay, like, mine starts at 7:30. I have friends that don't even have to be up until 7:30. I wake up at 5:45 every fucking morning. Statistically speaking, the human brain isn't available for proper functioning until after 10:30 AM. Fuck you, school, fuck you. I get home at 3 PM, yeah, not that late, right? It's hell anyway. I spend 30 to 45 minutes on the damn bus going home. 

 As if that's not bad enough, I'm constantly tired. What, with the waking up before the sun rises and all. How do people do it? I know that in some jobs, people have to wake up earlier than 5:45, and if they read this, they'd probably be pissed at my lack of...enthusiasm over waking up later than them. To add fuel to the fire, my important classes are in the morning, and generally, we like to take exams. It's hard to focus when all I can think about is going to sleep. My grades aren't bad, but I have a feeling they'd be better if I slept in another hour or so.

In conclusion, (getting all formal and shit) waking up early fucking sucks donkey nuts. Make the elementary school kids wake up earlier, they're more versatile than us older kids. The kindergarteners even get nap time, like, what the fuck? I want nap time. (¬_¬) I wake up sometimes with bags under my eyes. Even my bags have bags. (if you know what I mean. wait, wat) Either way, I'm almost done with school anyway. I'm hoping to graduate in December. Afternoon classes, here comes Mama! And with that, my rant comes to a close. (✿◠‿◠)


Normal time, yey! This post is gonna be long. If you get what I mean ಥ‿ಥ -pedo grin- okay, no, I'm already in trouble with the law. OHMYGOD. I'll tell you guys what happened over spring break, mk? Not like you know me personally. (no offense, I needed justification. ; ~ ;) I'd gone to the mall with one of my best friends, Lauren. We were having a good time, laughing, drinking mango smoothies, shopping to our heart's contenst, when it happened. As a joke, we went into the store Claire's and looked at bows for our hair. Jokingly, I looked up at the camera and slipped one into my bag. (keep in mind, I was being a smartass, I knew they could see me, it was indeed a joke.) I immediately felt horrible for playing such a retarded joke for no reason, so I took the bow out of my bag, looked up at the camera, mouthed an "I'm kidding," and put the bow back.

As I was leaving the store, two managers and a mall security cop came up and said, "We need the bow you put into your bag." At that, my heart sank and I knew they didn't think it was a joke. I said to them, as I was shaking terribly, "I-I put it..back.." and led them to where I'd placed it. I was then led through the mall, to the security office, where the police were called. Within minutes, the officer'd shown up. They decided to ban me from the mall for two years. And the best part is, the bow was only 8$. (the second best part, being the fact that I put the bow back, and mouthed "I'm just kidding.") I apparently have to go to court and "plead my case" even tho Claire's decided not to press charges. -feins relief- Oh thank the lord, what ever was I going to do? I know. Not give a fuck? It was a joke, the camera saw it, my friend saw it, I did it. Putting it back, mouthing an apology. But I should've known. Claire's is really shitty and snotty anyway. I wouldn't wipe my ass with any of their products. Crappy quality, expensive as fuck. Why do you think I picked that store for my joke? Anyway, after all that happened, I got home and had to give up my phone and laptop to my grandmother. (she already hates me, by the way, this was the icing on the fucking cake.) Which is why I can only post from school.

All of this is really harsh, y'know? I can understand the banning from that particular store, and maybe me paying a small fine for being an ass. But no, they banned me from the mall itself, all the retaurants around it, and a few of the outside stores. Not to mention the fact that I have to go to court. Over an 8 dollar hair bow. Really, Kentucky? Really? Chill your nipples. I could understand if I'd stolen a fucking 80 dollar necklace. But an 8 dollar bow? Shit, next thing you know, someone will be getting lucked up for life for stealing a candy bar. The fuck? I'm so done. I shouldn't have done it, yeah. I just didn't realize that the justice system was full of pricks. Anyway, I learned my lesson. No more stupid-ass jokes like that. I'm gonna end this post here. Now that you know what happened. I'll post again on...err... -trying to think- Oh, today's Wednesday. o. o I'll post tomorrow! Until then, stay beautiful, my lovelies. Adeau.~

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

School again.

It's too damn loud in my classroom right now. I just got off of a very boring spring break. Nothing went according to plan, in fact, I got into quite a lot of trouble. With a lot of people. x'D Not gonna go into details, coz I don't wanna be judged. >_>; Mama made mistakes over break. No phone, no laptop. Like, I was in trouble. I was lucky to have my DVD player. ._.  (internal agruments, yey. ಥ⌣ಥ) Ohyass, I went to see Divergent over break. -flails- Movie review tiem~! I didn't actually read the book, so everything I already knew about it, it was because of the ads I saw. The movie itself was really really well-made and full of action and explosions. From the beginning, it's just gogogo. Doesn't slow down until the very end. (apparently Twilight made it a thing to open a movie with a monologue. Fk you, Twilight. Fk you.) I guess I could tell you the plot of the movie. Aherm. In Chicago, IL, the remaning population of IL is devided into five factions: Dauntless; the fearless ones, the protectors; Amity; the kind ones, the ones who believe in living off the land (farmers basically); Erudite, the smart ones, the ones trying to overthrow Abnegation (the law, basically); Abnegation; the government of the factions, selfless, and quick to reject vanity; and Candor, they're the logic thinkers, the lawers, so to speak; they are very...blunt. Anyway, the story follows a young girl named Beatrice (later changed to Tris), as she goes through the process of being named Divergent, meaning she could fit into and live in any of the factions. She's hunted by Erudite and yadda yadda. They brainwash the Dauntless into capturing and killing almost all of the Abnegation faction. It's hard to explain after that. She escapes with "Four". (a really hot guy. like unf mama.) And yeah. (round of applause for those shitty movie reviewing skills. cx)

I just realized that it took me two days to write this post. Never let it be said that I didn't suffer for my blog. (I actually haven't suffered xD I just don't have my laptop, so I can only post at school.) DAY DEUH. And I'm even more tired than yesterday. Went to bed earlier, too, wtf? ( ̄へ ̄)-internal conflicting- NEARGHHH. I'm gonna end this post here. I'll probably post later in the week, I dunno. My posts are becoming more and more..well, boring. ಠ_ಠ I made this to vent my feelings, but. BUT. I don't wanna scare off my readers. (reader*) Anywhooo. As I said, I'll try to post again. Or when something interesting happens. (HAHAHAHA. Hahaha...ha...haaa...yeah. •⊙ω⊙•) Until then stay beautiful, my lovelies. Adeau.~

Friday, March 28, 2014

Back already?

It's been about four days since my last post. I figured I'd be gone for at least a month, what with all the shit going on. (I'm out of the bet, so swear time again.(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ ) But truth is, things are kind of better. I'm slowly starting to trust Jase again. (I saw him go off on his ex and I was like yass gaga yass.☻ᴥ☻ ) I would've posted sooner, but eh. I've been busy with getting stuff ready for spring break. -flails- ERMERGERD GERS. SPRING BREAK 2014. YASSS. Sorry. Mama lost it for a split second. I was going to spend it with my friend Cuppi, but um. Yah. ._. But no worries, I gots to go prom dress shopping. (◕‿-) Prommmm. DUDE. THIS YEAR IT'S GONNA BE ON A FUCKING BOAT. A LEGIT FUCKING BOAT. With an upper-deck somethin' and another deck somethin'. (wasn't paying attention. spaced out after I heard it was on a fucking boat.) I've got a date to go, and no it's not my boyfriend. Is that bad? I mean, Jase wouldn't like prom anyway. Plus, the guy I'm going with looks just like my cousin. So there are no feelings thurr. It'd be awkward as fuck. xD Like..eeey, cuz, wanna dance? Bleargh. I keep sneezing. Damn you, spring. -sniffle sniffle- But shet, I like posting about prom. ; A ; Me and my date are going with my best friend, Abby, and her boyfriend (lil... -insert bad word- I dun liek him much. -3-) Josh. I'm going sanguine (blood red), and they're going necromancer (violet). It'll be so kawaii. ಥ‿ಥ I like doing kawaii emotes. (◕‿◕✿) Yass. Yaaaass. anyway, I've said it before and I'll say it again, thank you to the absolutely lovely people (person. ahem.) that read this. I do like -sneezes- fawk. -sniffle- Ruined my moment. (¬_¬) Lemme try again. -kneels down like Romeo did- I LURF YOU GAIZ. -sniffle- not again. ; u ; Behehe. I'm done, you get the point.

NEW PARAGRAPH, NEW TOPIC. FK YEA. It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Fridayyy~ Ohmylordno. Wtf to talk about. It's been a while since I talked about IMVU. :o and I only talked about it because, y'know, my friend ad blog partner wanted me to. Guess I could talk about that again. Um. There are a lot of creeps on thurr. xD I wish I could give out my username. (even if I did, I wouldn't add anybody I didn't talk to first. >_>;) Neargh. I dun wanna talk about it. -flails- I wanna keep this post going coz it's currently 8:19 a.m. and my class isn't dismissed until 8:53. BLAHHHHH. I think I'm gonna go dick around on the computer. OHWAIT. xD Before I do, I was right about before. (when I said my school has access to my blog) They can monitor everything I post. So, principal, administrators, and just..grownups that read this without my knowledge..EAT A DICK. I don't like you, nor do I like the fact that you read my blog. Df you think I'm doin' anyway? Fuckin' selling secrets to Al Qaeda? Jesus. (¬_¬) LOL. Watch me get called up to the office for being an ass. Oops? c; I think I'm gonna end this post here. Before I get my blogspot deleted by the school. xD Until next time, stay beautiful. Adeau~

Monday, March 24, 2014

Byebye, Blogspot.

     I actually considered skipping school today. Woke up and was like, "mmm, nope." I think I'm gonna make this post a serious one, so if you don't like that, feel free to just read other posts of mine. c: Now, srs tiem. My relationship just keeps getting worse. Well, from my end. With each passing day, I trust Jase less and less all because of mistakes he's made in the past. (in other relationships) His ex is a very very good friend of mine, and has been telling me things that startle me. Normally, when Jase tells me things like, "I'm going out with friends," or, "My parents are taking my phone away," or, "My phone wouldn't charge," I wouldn't bat an eyelid. I trusted him, yeah. But not now. My friend, his ex, told me, and I quote, "I was suspicious, so I called him. A girl answered and said they'd had some fun at his house. When I asked him about it, he claimed it was his sister. Um. His sister doesn't live with them." At which point, I asked Jase if he had a sister. My heart sank when he easily lied and said, "Nope." I don't know who to believe. He tells me the exact same stuff he told her. I'm scared, alone, and just..tired. Physically and emotionally. I don't know how much more I can take. There are so many things I'm already unsupportive family, failing grades, and a steady decline in friends.

     But whatever. I'll keep going. I'll keep living the oblivious lie that Jase wants me to. And when the time comes, I'll confront him, then finally..I'll just..leave. Back to being alone in a life that's spiraling downward. Yeah, this post is dark and depressing. (like the golden days of yore.) But I do remember warning you. Congrats if you could stomach this post thus far. There shouldn't be any"dark" posts until the day we um.. :I yeah, break it off. Then I'll write a post bashing on him. (call me a bitter ex, but there are a lot of reasons for me to bash on him, like, now.) I feel better now that I got it out. (considering the fact that I haven't called him out yet) Now that just leaves me with two prominent emotions: tiredness and sorrow. Yes. Sorrow, still. I think it's embedded in me now. There really isn't anything to be happy about. I can't trust anyone. Except, maybe, my family. But, as I said, very unsupportive.

     See, my lovelies? I'm not as happy as my posts lead you to believe. Truth is, I'm the most miserable person I know. But don't pity me, I don't want that. I wrote this simply because keeping it bottled up was making me hurt even more. Now all of you know. And, somehow, that comforts me. I don't think I'll be posting for a while. A long while. (if I do, it'd be random, boring summaries of my day) I'm sorry if this disappoints any of you. But Mama needs time to herself. Time to be alone with her thoughts. Until then, goodbye, my lovelies. Stay beautiful. Adeau~

Friday, March 21, 2014

In with the new!

As you can cleeeearly see, I remodeled my blog. Eh? Ehhh? c; But yiss. Hope you like 'et. Happy Easter, my lovelies! -hops around like a bunny- (wait, it is this weekend, right? ._.) Dunno what else to say. I couldn't wait until I got home to post, so..yeah. xD I'm still in first period. :B Fadadada. I'm hungry. Or something. I dunno, my stomach feels weird. Maybe it's heartburn? W-t-f? Aaaaaanywho, I must be going. Yay for another short post~! Adeau~


Day three of consecutive posting, wtf? (insert something about the rule of threes) Almost no one is in my first period class. o. o Like..nooo one. Is it skip day? Anyway, not sure how I want this post to go. (direction, I mean) I just want this day to be over, I don't have a good feeling about it. Which is scary, because my feelings are almost never wrong. -flails- So yes, um, I've been awake for over 24 hours and I'm incredibly hyper. Nyearghhhh. I dunno what to wriiiiiite. Oh, wait, oh no. I have a test today. Liek. Righ nao. In ten minutes. -reads the board- 52 questions, answer 50 of them, 2 points each. Well, hell. (That's not a bad word, I'M STILL IN LE BET) I'm gonna fail. c': WHY OH WHYYYY.

~~~~~Break to take test~~~~~
-skip ahead 20 minutes- Uhhhhhuhuhuh. I defs failed. ._. I'm tired now. The lack of sleep is catching up to me. Feel like I'm gonna crash. -facedesk- Only 6 and 1/2 more hours of school. Then what? Well. I think today's mall day with Lauren. Or I could just..sleep. Yeah, I'd like that. See? You can tell I'm tired with just my writing. xD Compare before the test, and now. I'm, like, dead. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. Mama needs sleep. There's no fricking way I can stay awake until I get home. My day is literally so chill. It'll be quiet for me, until band, and even then, the music will probably make me pass out in my chair. I can't deal. I feel like just slipping away and sleeping in the janitor's closet.

STAY AWAKE. JUST KEEP SWIMMING. Ugh. Ughhhh. OHEY, tomorrow's me and Jase's anniversary of like..pfffffshshsh..4 months? We got together in November..right after me and my ex broke it off. After Halloween...-does the math- Yes, four months. I had to count on my fingers. ._. But jeez, for teens, four months is a really long time. Surprisingly, we haven't had really any bumpy moments except for these past few weeks. (Sappy tiem.) Jaseeeeey. You probably won't read this. Coz you have no idea that I have a blog. But still. HAPPY ANNI-FUCKIN'-VERSARY. (oop..swore. >_<) -flails- You might not remember, but I doooo. :D I just noticed. I keep flailing. o. o -flails-

But anyway. -yawns- Probably won't post this weekend because of Easter and shit. (oop, did it again. ._.) ARGHHH HOW DID I FORGET TO POST ABOUT EASTER?!? OMGGGZZZZ. I'll make that my next post. Like, tonight, after Jase bails on movie night again. (yes, again. but that's another story) So, I've got nothing to do until next period. Um. .____. And this post can't go much further. I'll end it here. You'll be hearing from me again real soon. I promise. -holds up my pinkie finger- c: Until then, stay beautiful, my lovelies. Adeau~

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Bet and Other Fun Things

OHAIOOOO. c: Holy crap, I've posted two days in a row? Whaaaaat? I know what you're thinkin'. Whoa, Jenn, slow down, Jenn, ermergerd, Jern. But yes. ACT testing has ended, so, rlly, I've got nothing else to do until finals. Which are in June. BUT ANYWAY. I bet you're wondering about the title. A bet? What bet? Wtf? Wonder no more, my lovelies. "The Bet" is a little competition I have going on with a few friends. It's simple, we kill the Batman. Normally, I'm a really rude, crude, violent person. (Jesus, I'm freaking psycho.) Buuuuut, I made a bet to my friends (erherm "friends") that I could be nice for an entire seven days. Which means no cursing, no yelling, no giving people the finger (which is difficult for me), and no being mean. It's already incredibly hard. I tried to make the bet before, but forfeitted within 10 minutes. ._. (Genius Jenn strikes again.)

But yes. (Second time saying that,WEUH.) The "other fun things" is referring to me almost getting that freshman off my ass. (NOT. SEXUALLY. Well, maybe. He is a perverted lil..nyehhh.) As probably none of you know, me and my ex-co-writer are no longer friends. It ended badly. Like, very badly. -sigh- And that put me into a mood of violence and anguish. Which kind in the way of my bet. And this lil freshman (I'm gonna call him Bob to protect identities), Bob got in my way when I was in this bad mood. I kept staring off into space, sadly, of course, and he leans in and stares at me. I viciously say, "What." He didn't get that I was angry. -_(\ So he started to walk me to class again, to which I promptly said (more like sneered) "You don't have to walk me to class, you know" and gave him the :I face. Without batting an eyelid, he said, "I know, but my class is this way, so I might as well." Kid. Really? -facedesk- He then passed up his classroom. Honestly? -_- Get off my ass, bruh. You wanna lick my ass? Ass-licking, dick-munching...~ (IT WAS JENNA MARBLES, NOT ME. I'M NOT IN VIOLATION OF MY BET.)

Anywhooo.I'm out of class soon. So, I'll see my lovelies tomorrow. Until then, stay beautiful. Adeau~

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


So, yes, hello, my lovelies. (Not doing class work again. Like a boss.) It's only been 17 days since I last posted, yet a shitstorm has broken loose. :I Yee. Righ? Riiiiigh? No. D:< Wait, what? ._. ANYWAY. This freshman kid. Oh yes. xD Ahem. I'M GOING TO HACK HIM APART WITH....WITH.... Mama has no idea. But srsly kid, back off my chest area. -3- Jenn access only, please. No, wait, okay, so this kid will make up an excuse to touch them. >_> KID. STAPH. I wonder what he'd do if I was just like, "Kid, I'm gay. So, stop, pls." Ohmygod. -dead- I'm so done with this little kid. Yeah, I'm not much older, but daaaang. He acts like a child, going all big-eyed whenever he sees know. Just look on the internet if you wanna see some so badly. -flails- And, I wanted to say thank you to the lovely person that commented on my last post. c: I wasn't even going to write today, but when I saw that you'd wanted to read more and not delete my blog, I had to write again! ~3~ It tickles me to see when someone comments. It makes me feel all cool-like. And not a loser. :D Okokok, getting off track. Like always. ._. I must go, my people need me. Not really, but I do have to end this post hurr because of class and whatnot. Until next time, stay beautiful, my lovelies. Adeau~

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Only Three Posts?

This entire year of 2014, I've only posted three times. ; ^ ; MAMA IS SORRY. Okay. So, I literally just posted. Like. Five minutes ago. But I felt compelled to write another one. Because, you know, YOLO and whatnot. c; My God, I'm retarded. ._. I never thought I'd get this far on the post. I have nothing else I wanna say. (I do, but it's serious, and this blog has had enough serious for one day, what, with me sharing my feelings.) Hooray for a short-ass post. If I'm not busy in Computer Apps tomorrow, I'll post again. Because, surprisingly, a lot of shit happens between now and tomorrow morning. Yep. Uh, yeah. Until then, adeau. Stay beautiful, my lovelies~

Weekend Blues

No Jase this weekend. Sad Jenn is sad. ; A ; But anyway, there's a really bad winter storm warning, and, um, I'm terrified. Storms scare me, and mix in ice and...oh. Shit. It's supposed to, like, rain. Then freeze and be windy and shet. (In other words, I'm scurred.)  Hokai. I dunno what to make this post about, really. I'm still debating on deleting this blog. (I'm not using it for its intended purpose anyway.) But yeah. This post is all over the place. ._. I apologize, I just woke up. -yawn- It's 2 in the afternoon. Aw, shet. I have school tomorrow. And the ACT on Tuesday. But tomorrow's "Food Day" so I'll be good. :} Food makes mama happy. ; ^ ; On a different note, I think (if I don't delete this blog), I'll start posting more regularly. I'll leave notes in obvious places so I won't forget. I promised I'd post more before, but in all honesty, I kept forgetting I had a blog. (I'm a genius.) I dunno what writing style my readers like, and I dunno if I even still have readers. Words can't even describe how grateful I am for my readers. You guys are seriously amazing. It makes me feel like I have friends, even if you guys are just "readers". (Serious time.) I love you guys. Really, I do. (Not in a creepy way, don't worry. I'm not gonna, like, fangirl if I see you out on the streets. Wtf Jenn. Back on track.) If you have any suggestions on what I should write about, tell me. Leave a comment. I'll write on anything from current events, to how to do something. Let's interact, my children! ಠ_ಠ Until then. Stay golden, my lovelies.

Friday, February 28, 2014

I'm back. Again.

Hellur there, my lovelies. Long time, no post. What's goin' on? doin' good?

And that, ladies and gents, is my attempt at small-talk. (Man, I'm a loser, eh? Ehhhh?) So yeah, nothing to report here, except for the fact that my little brother won't be posting here like I originally thought. Because, yeah. (Really, he doesn't like responsibility. 'Lil snot.) A lot of stuff has passed since my last post which was... -trying to remember- ummm... before V-Day. That's now over and done. (Thank the lawd.) ALL THE SINGLE LADIES. If you like it to remember, again- THIS IS BEYONCE, HOW DO I NOT KNOW? Somethin' about a ring. My precious? No, no, wrong thing. That's a movie. I dunno. But aaaaanyway, my stomach hurts. Like, really bad. Mmmmhm. Interesting, right? Make that shit front page news. Back on track, okay. Wait, we had a track? (Nope, this is all random. o3o) Oh my lawd, my stomach. Oh. Oh, no. I know this pain. ; ^ ; Hold onto your hats, it's lady week.   It just wouldn't be the same without a period reference. :'D (all my guy readers are probably like "wtf is this chick on?")

So, I'm sitting in class, all cool-like (meaning I'm nearly foaming at the mouth, wanting to go home), and I figured out that my teacher is non-chalantly (did I spell it right?) watching me type this. We're not supposed to be on this website and yeah. #badass #rule-breaker #yoloswag Oh my lawd, guys, I have the most mean/interesting thing to tell you about my life. (for the past, like, two weeks) This little freshman kid, not saying names, has been, like, following me around. He used to text me constantly, which, if you don't know me, really pisses me off. He had the biggest crush on me, but honestly, kid, I'm in a relationship. He thinks I like him, or some shit like that. Um, no. We can be friends. But you only like me because I "have big boobs"  Please, do me a favor, and chill out. You're starting to really get on my nerves. I don't need to be walked to class, I'm perfectly capable. (Damn, this is making me sound mean. ._. But daaamn, don't be so much like a woman.)

 Y'know what would suck? (there are a lot of perverted Jenn-like answers. xD) If this kid read all the shit I said about him. Well, damn. Take the hint, kid. But anywayyy. Today's Friday, and you know what that means! Oh. You don't? It means "Movie Night With Jase." (a.k.a my boyfriend) It's gonna be off da hooook. #swaggie My lawd I sound lame. Thank you to those of you who still read this shit. ._. I like saying shit. It's funny. Shit, shit, shit. Oh. Uh. I think the school has access to this blog. xD Which is even funnier. SHIT. SHIT. FUCK. FUCKETY. (Now, I might actually get in trouble for the f-word. Dunno why tho, it doesn't hurt anybody.) So, yeah, I'm gonna end this post here before my teacher wises up and sees the caps words. Adeau, my lovelies. Stay beautiful~